Welcome K5 Counselors!

Please Enjoy our free downloadable "Growth Mindset" Lesson Below

Thank you for being an ally to gifted children

K5 Gifted exists because gifted children have unique needs related to their social, emotional, and academic development. We are devoted to supporting not only gifted children and their families, but also their educational allies who need the tools and resources to stay on the cutting edge. Our learning methods are focused on conceptual understanding and practical engagement. 
As a way of giving back to elementary counselors who are out there supporting gifted children each and every day, we’re proud to offer a free printable lesson on growth mindsets. The lesson is intended for gifted intermediate (3rd-5th grade) elementary school learners, and it can be used in a large group setting, small group setting, and as an at-home activity between the parent and child.
We are providing this unit free of charge in order to give back to our counseling community allies. And as our allies on the front lines of education, we are looking for help connecting with gifted parents. K5Gifted.com is a new educational website, and consequently, we need help spreading the word! So, please consider this: the more K5 Gifted Facebook and YouTube likes, follows, and shares we see coming from the counselor community, the more likely we are to continue producing free materials for you to use. That way we can all help one another!
Also, make sure to check out one of our original animated education videos below! And please follow us on social media:
When downloading the unit, it may display in a preview window. In the upper right corner of the preview window, you have options to download or print the unit. Enjoy!
Please review our disclaimer, privacy, and terms documents. These documents are available as links at the bottom of this page. You are granted permission to personally use this specific unit in your school. The unit cannot be excerpted or altered without our specific written permission.
If you have any questions or suggestions. Please contact me: Linda@K5Gifted.com.

Enjoy our k5 gifted animations on YouTube & Facebook!

Please like, follow, and share, to show us that you truly care!